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Meet the Surveyors

Virginia Winberg, P.S.
Surveyor Project Manager National Grid Renewables
“There’s a sense of adventure and mystery being a land surveyor, and that’s what drew me to the profession. I love the entire process of preparing a survey.”

David P. Acosta, P.S.
President CSTi Corp
New Mexico State University Adjunct Professor
“I was looking for a summer job after my first year at Doña Ana Community College. I was able to get a job as a rodman on a survey crew. After that summer, I decided to enroll in the surveying engineering program at New Mexico State University. It was one of the best decisions that I have made.”

Connor Ingham
Student at Alfred State College of Technology
“After my surveying internship, one of the best parts of it was, you could be on a different job site every day. Just being able to have a changing environment is awesome. You can go anywhere with surveying.”

Brad Roberts, P.L.S.
Director of Gulf Survey Operations
Matrix New World Engineering
“I chose surveying for my love of the outdoors. I wanted the hybrid mixture of working in the field and in the office. Plus, you can make a great living as a professional surveyor, far exceeding what I expected when I first got into surveying. It’s lucrative.”