
A New Resource Hub for Surveying

Outreach Fulfilment Center

Sign up for the outreach fulfillment center to order outreach materials, such as brochures, small giveaways items, activity materials, even exhibit materials, like banners and table drapes.

Surveying Speaker’s Presentation – High School

This Powerpoint presentation gives an overview of the surveying profession, the fields of surveying, and what a career in surveying could look like. The PowerPoint comes with a full script for each slide and can be fully customized.

Grades: High school, early college
Length: 20-45 Minutes

X Marks the Spot – Lesson Plan

This lesson plan teaches participants to properly read a compass, the importance of direction, and the measurement unit of ‘pacing.’

Grades: K-8
Length 25-50 minutes

Comparing Measurements – Lesson Plan

The lesson plan tests a variety of measuring methods to find out which is the most accurate.

Grade: 3-8
Length: 20-30 minutes

All Around the Compass – Lesson Plan

Participants will learn how read a compass and the importance of the cardinal directions.

Grades: k-2
Length: 20 minutes

College Surveying Program Video

A Glimpse at Alfred State College

Length: 1 minute 27 seconds

Resources Right at Your Fingertips

Educator Resources

Classroom activities and teaching resources made available for k-12 educators.

Get Kids into Survey

Bringing young people into the exciting world of survey through pioneering content and engaging experiences.

Lindsay the GIS Professional

Fun activities for an elementary audience about mapping and GIS.

Outreach 101

Everything you need to know about surveying outreach. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or starting out here are tools to get started.

How do I get involved in surveying outreach?

There are many ways to get in ways to get involved in outreach efforts for the surveying profession. You can give a presentation to high school students, table at a career fair, give a technical demonstration, lead a classroom activity, or help a scout troop earn their surveying merit badge. Learn more about the steps you can take to achieve these efforts.
demonstration of survey technology

How do I order outreach materials?

You can order outreach materials, like brochures, small giveaways items, activity materials, even exhibit materials, like banners and table drapes. All you need to do is sign up for an account, wait 2-3 business days for account verification, and you can order the materials you need for an outreach event.
man with drone

What is the cost of the outreach materials?

All materials are available without charge. The exhibit materials (i.e., banners and table drapes) operate on a library basis. It can be ordered, used for an event, and returned when the event is complete.

What if I need a lot of material for a large upcoming event?

There is a material maximum threshold on each order. If you ever need to order more than the maximum allows, please contact us.
female drone operator on scrubland